



1. イントロ

Harper (2018)と河野(2007)は社会人口学を簡単につかむのに良い。河野先生は1950年代にブラウンで社会学のPhDを取得されている大先輩。人口学ハンドブックの改定後のBrown (2019)と改定前のHirschman and Tolnay (2005)は良い意味で被っていない。社会人口学の歴史を知りたい方は後者から読むべし。Preston et al. (2001)とRowland (2003)はメソッドの辞書のように用いると良いと思う。次の2. 人口転換論と出生セクションのDyson(2013)も社会人口学の核とも言える人口転換論を理解するためにおすすめである。なお、人口学を批判的に考える文献を求めている方は一気に飛ばして最後の批判的人口学の文献にあたってみていただきたい。

社会人口学の代表ジャーナルはDemographyPopulation and Development Reviewで「二大誌」、ないしはPopulation Studiesも入れて「三大誌」とされるらしい(某先生談)。ちなみにブラウンのリストはほぼ全てが二大誌からだが、Population Studiesも目を通すようにという「注意書き」が存在する(昔はPopulation Studiesは今よりはるかに威信が高かった、とのこと)。またDemographic ResearchEuropean Journal of PopulationPopulation Research and Policy Reviewなどの有力ジャーナルにもかなり影響力の高い重要論文が載る (最近の印象では特にDemographic Research)。この他にJournal of Gerontology: Social SciencesStudies in Family PlanningInternational Migration Review、Population and Environment のような人口学の特定のテーマに関するジャーナルや、Journal of Population Economicsのような経済人口学のジャーナル、American Journal of SociologyAmerican Sociological ReviewSocial ForcesJournal of Marriage and Familyのような社会学のジャーナル、American Economic Review、 The Quarterly Journal of Economicsのような経済学のジャーナルも広く社会人口学と関わる重要論文を載せている可能性がある。

Harper, Sarah. 2018. Demography: A Very Short Introduction. Vol. 565. Oxford University Press.
★河野稠果. 2007. 人口学への招待少子・高齢化はどこまで解明されたか中央公論新社.

Brown, David L. 2019. “18 Social Demography, Space and Place.” Pp. 483–97 in Handbook of Population, edited by D. L. Poston. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Hirschman, Charles and Stewart E. Tolnay. 2005. “Social Demography.” Pp. 419–449 in Handbook of Population, edited by D. L. Poston and M. Micklin. New Yrok: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.

2. 人口転換論と出生

人口転換論だけで一つのセクションを作るか迷ったが、出生とまとめた。なお、第二人口転換論関係の重要論文の一部(e.g., EspinAndersen et al. 2015やGoldscheider et al. 2015)は家族とジェンダーセクションにある。どれか一つだけ選ぶとしたらDyson(2013)を読むことがおすすめ。

Bongaarts,John. 1978. “A Framework for Analyzing the Proximate Determinants of Fertility.”Population and Development Review4(1):105.
Bongaarts, John and Griffith Feeney. 1998. “On the Quantum and Tempo of Fertility.” Population and Development Review24(2):271.
Bongaarts,John and Susan Cotts Watkins. 1996.“Social Interactions and Contemporary Fertility Transitions.”Population and Development Review22(4):639.
Bryant,John. 2007. “Theories of Fertility Decline and the Evidence from Development Indicators.”Population and Development Review33(1):101–27.
Caldwell,John C. 1976. “Toward A Restatement of Demographic Transition Theory.”Population and Development Review2(3/4):321.
Caldwell,John C. 2005. “On Net Intergenerational Wealth Flows: An Update.”Population and Development Review31(4):721–40.
Cleland, John and Christopher Wilson. 1987. “Demand Theories of the Fertility Transition: An Iconoclastic View.” Population Studies 41(1):5–30.
Coale,Ansley J. and Susan Cotts Watkins,eds. 1986. The Decline of Fertility in Europe. Princeton University Press.
Coleman,David. 2006. “Immigration and Ethnic Change in Low-Fertility Countries: A Third Demographic Transition.”Population and Development Review32(3):401–46.
Davis,Kingsley. 1963.“The Theory of Change and Response in Modern Demographic History.”Population Index29(4):345.
Dyson,Tim. 2013. Population and Development: The Demographic Transition. Zed Books Ltd.
Goldstein,Joshua,Wolfgang Lutz,and Maria Rita Testa. 2003. “The Emergence of Sub-Replacement Family Size Ideals in Europe.”Population Research and Policy Review22(5/6):479–96.
Goldstein, Joshua R., Tomáš Sobotka, and Aiva Jasilioniene. 2009. “The End of ‘Lowest‐Low’ Fertility?” Population and Development Review 35(4):663–699.
Kravdal, Øystein and Ronald R. Rindfuss. 2008. “Changing Relationships between Education and Fertility: A Study of Women and Men Born 1940 to 1964.” American Sociological Review73(5):854–73.
Lesthaeghe,Ron. 2010. “The Unfolding Story of the Second Demographic Transition.”Population and Development Review36(2):211–51.
Mason, Karen Oppenheim. 1997. “Explaining Fertility Transitions.” Demography34(4):443.
Morgan,S. Philip. 2003. “Is Low Fertility a Twenty-First-Century Demographic Crisis?”Demography40(4):15.
Sobotka,Tomáš. 2004. “Is Lowest-Low Fertility in Europe Explained by the Postponement of Childbearing?”Population and Development Review30(2):195–220.
Watkins,Susan Cotts. 1990.“From Local to National Communities: The Transformation of Demographic Regimes in Western Europe,1870-1960.”Population and Development Review16(2):241.
Zaidi,Batool and S. Philip Morgan. 2017. “The Second Demographic Transition Theory: A Review and Appraisal.”Annual Review of Sociology43(1):473–92.

3. 家族・教育と社会人口学


Cherlin, Andrew J. 2005. “American Marriage in the Early Twenty-First Century.” The Future of Children 15(2):33–55.
Hajnal, John. 1982. “Two Kinds of Preindustrial Household Formation System.” Population and Development Review 8(3):449–94.
Haskins, Ron and Isabel V. Sawhill. 2016. “The Decline of the American Family: Can Anything Be Done to Stop the Damage?” edited by L. M. Bartels. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 667(1):8–34.
Kalmijn, Matthijs. 2013. “The Educational Gradient in Marriage: A Comparison of 25 European Countries.” Demography 50(4):1499–1520.
Kennedy, Sheela and Steven Ruggles. 2014. “Breaking Up Is Hard to Count: The Rise of Divorce in the United States, 1980–2010.” Demography51(2):587–98.
Ruggles, Steven. 2007. “The Decline of Intergenerational Coresidence in the United States, 1850 to 2000.” American Sociological Review 72(6):964–89.
Ruggles, Steven. 2015. “Patriarchy, Power, and Pay: The Transformation of American Families, 1800–2015.” Demography52(6):1797–1823.
Seltzer, Judith A. 2019. “Family Change and Changing Family Demography.” Demography 56(2):405–26.
Sweeney, Megan M. 2002. “Two Decades of Family Change: The Shifting Economic Foundations of Marriage.” American Sociological Review 67(1):132.
Qian, Zhenchao and Daniel T. Lichter. 2007. “Social Boundaries and Marital Assimilation: Interpreting Trends in Racial and Ethnic Intermarriage.” American Sociological Review 72(1):68–94.

Cherlin (2016)Esping-Andersen (2015)Goldscheider (2015)への応答をしている。Esping-Andersen (2015)Goldscheider et al. (2015)Lesthaeghe (2010)とともに近年のPDR論文の中で最も引用を稼いでいる高インパクト論文である。

Cherlin, Andrew J. 2016. “A Happy Ending to a Half-Century of Family Change?” Population and Development Review 42(1):121–29.(なお、この論文はEspin-AndersenとGoldscheiderへの応答)
England, Paula. 2010. “The Gender Revolution: Uneven and Stalled.” Gender & Society 24(2):149–66.
Esping-Andersen, Gøsta and Francesco C. Billari. 2015. “Re-Theorizing Family Demographics.” Population and Development Review41(1):1–31.
Goldscheider, Frances, Eva Bernhardt, and Trude Lappegård. 2015. “The Gender Revolution: A Framework for Understanding Changing Family and Demographic Behavior.” Population and Development Review 41(2):207–39.
McDonald, Peter. 2000. “Gender Equity in Theories of Fertility Transition.” Population and Development Review 26(3):427–439.
Short, Susan E., Frances K. Goldscheider, and Berna M. Torr. 2006. “Less Help for Mother: The Decline in Coresidential Female Support for the Mothers of Young Children, 1880-2000.” Demography 43(4):617–29.

修士時代は教育社会学を専攻するところにいたので、社会人口学的枠組みを教育社会学に本格的に取り入れるとどうなるのか考えることがあるのだが、その際にLam and Marteleto (2013)はとても参考になると思う。Reardonは世界の教育学者の中では一番人口学コミュニティで有名なのではないだろうか。Segregation研究でも有名なのだが、Whither Opportunityという結構有名な本に収められているこの(少しふわっとした)学力格差の論文(解説)が特に有名。先日ブラウンの人口学センターで講演をされた時に話す機会があり、どのディシプリンにアイデンティティを一番感じるのか聞いて見たら「教育経済学者と時々間違えられるが自分は教育社会学者」と言っていた(本人は教育学PhD)。今後スタンフォードのSEDAのデータからたくさん論文がでると思うので楽しみである。

Fomby, Paula and Andrew J. Cherlin. 2007. Family Instability and Child Well-Being. American Sociological Review 72(2):181204.
Kornrich, Sabino and Frank Furstenberg. 2013. Investing in Children: Changes in Parental Spending on Children, 19722007. Demography 50(1):123.
Lam, David and Letícia Marteleto. 2008. Stages of the Demographic Transition from a Childs Perspective: Family Size, Cohort Size, and Childrens Resources. Population and Development Review 34(2):22552.
Mare, Robert D. 2011. A Multigenerational View of Inequality. Demography 48(1):123.
McLanahan, Sara. 2004. Diverging Destinies: How Children Are Faring under the Second Demographic Transition. Demography 41(4):607627.
Reardon, Sean F. 2011. The Widening Academic Achievement Gap between the Rich and the Poor: New Evidence and Possible Explanations. Whither Opportunity 91116.

4. 健康と死亡


Blackwell, Debra L., Mark D. Hayward, and Eileen M. Crimmins. 2001. “Does Childhood Health Affect Chronic Morbidity in Later Life?” Social Science & Medicine52(8):1269–84.
Eileen M. Crimmins, Mark D. Hayward, Aaron Hagedorn, Yasuhiko Saito, and Nicolas Brouard. 2009. “Change in Disability-Free Life Expectancy for Americans 70 Years Old and Older.” Demography46(3):627–46.
Elo, Irma T. 2009. “Social Class Differentials in Health and Mortality: Patterns and Explanations in Comparative Perspective.” Annual Review of Sociology35(1):553–72.
Finch, C. E. 2004. “Inflammatory Exposure and Historical Changes in Human Life-Spans.”Science305(5691):1736–39.
Jackson, M. I. 2010. “A Life Course Perspective on Child Health, Cognition and Occupational Skill Qualifications in Adulthood: Evidence from a British Cohort.” Social Forces89(1):89–116.
Hayward, Mark D. and Bridget K. Gorman. 2004. “The Long Arm of Childhood: The Influence of Early-Life Social Conditions on Men’s Mortality.” Demography41(1):87–107.
Palloni, Alberto. 2006. “Reproducing Inequalities: Luck, Wallets, and the Enduring Effects of Childhood Health.” Demography43(4):587–615.
Smith, James P. 2004. “Unraveling the SES Health Connection.” Population and Development Review.
Yang, Y. and L. C. Lee. 2009. “Sex and Race Disparities in Health: Cohort Variations in Life Course Patterns.” Social Forces87(4):2093–2124.

Caldwell, John C. 1986. “Routes to Low Mortality in Poor Countries.” Population and Development Review12(2):171.
Cutler, David and Grant Miller. 2005. “The Role of Public Health Improvements in Health Advances: The Twentieth-Century United States.” Demography42(1):1–22.
Garenne, Michel. 2006. “Health Transitions in Sub-Saharan Africa: Overview of Mortality Trends in Children under 5 Years Old (1950-2000).” Bulletin of the World Health Organization84(6):470–78.
McKeown, Thomas and R. G. Record. 1962. “Reasons for the Decline of Mortality in England and Wales during the Nineteenth Century.” Population Studies16(2):94–122.
Preston, Samuel H. 1975. “The Changing Relation between Mortality and Level of Economic Development.” Population Studies29(2):231.
Kuhn, Randall. 2010. “Routes to Low Mortality in Poor Countries Revisited.” Population and Development Review36(4):655–92.
Lutz, Wolfgang and Endale Kebede. 2018. “Education and Health: Redrawing the Preston Curve: Education and Health.” Population and Development Review44(2):343–61.
Soares, Rodrigo R. 2005. “Mortality Reductions, Educational Attainment, and Fertility Choice.” American Economic Review95(3):580–601.
Soares, Rodrigo R. 2007. “On the Determinants of Mortality Reductions in the Developing World.” Population and Development Review33(2):247–287.

Bongaarts, John, Thomas Buettner, Gerhard Heilig, and François Pelletier. 2008. “Has the HIV Epidemic Peaked?” Population and Development Review34(2):199–224.
Heuveline, Patrick. 2014. “Impact of the HIV Epidemic on Population and Household Structure: The Dynamics and Evidence to Date.” AIDS18(2):45–53.

5. 高齢化

この分野はGerontologyという別の学問としてかなり独立しているのだが、社会人口学の一部と考えられなくもない気がする。僕が読んだものは少なめ。Preston (1984)は会長講演で日本の現状にとてもrelevantな気がする。VaupelはScienceNatureに何本も載せているのでそちらを読んだ方がいいもしれないが、このVaupel (2004)は彼のライフストーリーが研究と絡む形で出てきて面白いのでおすすめ。

Bongaarts, John. 2006. “How Long Will We Live?” Population and Development Review605–628.
Crimmins, Eileen M., Mark D. Hayward, Aaron Hagedorn, Yasuhiko Saito, and Nicolas Brouard. 2009. “Change in Disability-Free Life Expectancy for Americans 70 Years Old and Older.” Demography46(3):627–46.
Preston, Samuel H. 1984. “Children and the Elderly: Divergent Paths for America’s Dependents.” Demography21(4):435–457.
Preston, Samuel H. and Andrew Stokes. 2012. “Sources of Population Aging in More and Less Developed Countries.” Population and Development Review38(2):221–36.
Vaupel, James W. 2004. “The Biodemography of Aging.” Population and Development Review30:48–62.

6. 国際移住

以下、かなりアメリカ中心な独断と偏見に基づいたリスト。国際移住の研究には移動そのものを研究するもの (e.g., Massey and Espinosa 1997)と移住後の同化/統合を研究するもの (e.g., Alba and Nee 1997)に大別できるが、前者の研究が多めになっている。経済学の論文は、メソッドで有名なもの(e.g., Card 1990→DID、Card 2001→Shift Share IV、Munshi 2003→雨IV)をあげておいた。なお、国内移住と国際移住は連続的に考えた方が良いかもしれないが、便宜上分けた。

Abel, Guy J. 2018. “Estimates of Global Bilateral Migration Flows by Gender between 1960 and 2015.” International Migration Review 809–52.
Alba, Richard and Victor Nee. 1997. “Rethinking Assimilation Theory for a New Era of Immigration.” The International Migration Review 31(4):826–74.
Bean, Frank D., Susan K. Brown, and James D. Bachmeier. 2015. Parents Without Papers: The Progress and Pitfalls of Mexican American Integration. Russell Sage Foundation.
Borjas, George J. 1985. “Assimilation, Changes in Cohort Quality, and the Earnings of Immigrants.” Journal of Labor Economics 3(4):463–89.
Card, David. 1990. “The Impact of the Mariel Boatlift on the Miami Labor Market.” Industrial and Labor Relations Review 43(2):245–57.
Card, David. 2001. “Immigrant Inflows, Native Outflows, and the Local Labor Market Impacts of Higher Immigration.” Journal of Labor Economics 19(1):43.
Curran, Sara R. and Estela Rivero-Fuentes. 2003. “Engendering Migrant Networks: The Case of Mexican Migration.” 40(2):19.
Czaika, Mathias, Hein de Haas, and María Villares-Varela. 2018. “The Global Evolution of Travel Visa Regimes: The Global Evolution of Travel Visa Regimes.” Population and Development Review 44(3):589–622.
Feliciano, Cynthia. 2005. “Educational Selectivity in U.S. Immigration: How Do Immigrants Compare to Those Left Behind?” Demography42(1):131–52.
Feliciano, Cynthia and Yader R. Lanuza. 2017. “An Immigrant Paradox? Contextual Attainment and Intergenerational Educational Mobility.” American Sociological Review 82(1):211–41.
Fussell, Elizabeth and Douglas S. Massey. 2004. “The Limits to Cumulative Causation: International Migration From Mexican Urban Areas.” Demography41(1):151–71.
Garip, Filiz. 2012. “Discovering Diverse Mechanisms of Migration: The Mexico-US Stream 1970-2000.” Population and Development Review38(3):393–433.
Gordon, Milton Myron. 1964. Assimilation in American Life: The Role of Race, Religion, and National Origins. Oxford University Press.
Hirschman, Charles. 2005. “Immigration and the American Century.” Demography 42(4):595–620.
Massey, Douglas S., Joaquin Arango, Graeme Hugo, Ali Kouaouci, Adela Pellegrino, and J. Edward Taylor. 1993. “Theories of International Migration: A Review and Appraisal.” Population and Development Review 19(3):431.
Massey, Douglas S. and Kristin E. Espinosa. 1997. “What’s Driving Mexico-U.S. Migration? A Theoretical, Empirical, and Policy Analysis.” American Journal of Sociology 102(4):939–99.
Massey, Douglas S., Luin Goldring, and Jorge Durand. 1994. “Continuities in Transnational Migration: An Analysis of Nineteen Mexican Communities.” American Journal of Sociology 99(6):1492–1533.
Massey, Douglas S. and Karen A. Pren. 2012. “Unintended Consequences of US Immigration Policy: Explaining the Post-1965 Surge from Latin America.” Population and Development Review38(1):1–29.
Munshi, K. 2003. “Networks in the Modern Economy: Mexican Migrants in the U. S. Labor Market.” The Quarterly Journal of Economics 118(2):549–99.
Park, Julie and Dowell Myers. 2010. “Intergenerational Mobility in the Post-1965 Immigration Era: Estimates by an Immigrant Generation Cohort Method.”Demography 47(2):369–392.
Portes, Alejandro and Min Zhou. 1993. “The New Second Generation: Segmented Assimilation and Its Variants.” The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science530(1):74–96.
White, Michael J. and Jennifer E. Glick. 2009. Achieving Anew: How New Immigrants Do in American Schools, Jobs, and Neighborhoods. Russell Sage Foundation. 
Zhou, Min. 1997. “Segmented Assimilation: Issues, Controversies, and Recent Research on the New Second Generation.” International Migration Review31(4):975.

7. 都市化と国内移住

  この分野はブラウン社会学部の伝統的な強みなのだが、残念ながら私はかなり弱い。加えて、都市化と国内移住のための別のプレリム試験が存在するようなので、社会人口学の試験ではここが問われる可能性は低いだろうと思ってまだちゃんと勉強できずにいる。なのでこのリストは参考程度にして欲しい。人口転換論と都市化の関係を簡潔に示したDyson (2011)と最新の人口学ハンドブックのWhite and Lindstrom (2019)は参考になる気がする。

Bruch, Elizabeth E. and Robert D. Mare. 2006. “Neighborhood Choice and Neighborhood Change.” American Journal of Sociology112(3):667–709.
Dyson, Tim. 2011. “The Role of the Demographic Transition in the Process of Urbanization.” Population and Development Review37:34–54.
Fussell, Elizabeth, Narayan Sastry, and Mark VanLandingham. 2010. “Race, Socioeconomic Status, and Return Migration to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.” Population and Environment31(1–3):20–42.
Garip, Filiz. 2008. “Social Capital and Migration: How Do Similar Resources Lead to Divergent Outcomes?” Demography45(3):591–617.
Gray, Clark and Richard Bilsborrow. 2013. “Environmental Influences on Human Migration in Rural Ecuador.” Demography50(4):1217–41.
Korinek, Kim, Barbara Entwisle, and Aree Jampaklay. 2005. “Through Thick and Thin: Layers of Social Ties and Urban Settlement among Thai Migrants.” American Sociological Review70(5):779–800.
Liang, Zai and Zhongdong Ma. 2004. “China’s Floating Population: New Evidence from the 2000 Census.” Population and Development Review30(3):467–88.
Logan, John R., Brian J. Stults, and Reynolds Farley. 2004. “Segregation of Minorities in the Metropolis: Two Decades of Change.” Demography41(1):1–22.
Luke, Nancy. 2010. “Migrants’ Competing Commitments: Sexual Partners in Urban Africa and Remittances to the Rural Origin.” American Journal of Sociology115(5):1435–79.
Massey, Douglas S. and Nancy A. Denton. 1988. “Suburbanization and Segregation in U.S. Metropolitan Areas.” American Journal of Sociology94(3):592–626.
Quillian, Lincoln. 1999. “Migration Patterns and the Growth of High‐Poverty Neighborhoods, 1970‐‐1990.” American Journal of Sociology105(1):1–37.
Ravallion, Martin, Shaohua Chen, and Prem Sangraula. 2007. “New Evidence on the Urbanization of Global Poverty.” Population and Development Review33(4):667–701.
Sampson, Robert J. and Patrick. Sharkey. 2008. “Neighborhood Selection and the Social Reproduction of Concentrated Racial Inequality.” Demography45(1):1–29.
Stark, Oded and David E. Bloom. 1985. “The New Economics of Labor Migration.” The American Economic Review75(2):173–78.
Tolnay, Stewart E. 1998. “Educational Selection in the Migration of Southern Blacks, 1880–1990.” Social Forces77(2):487–514.
White, Michael J. and David P. Lindstrom. 2019. “15 Internal Migration.” Pp. 383–419 in Handbook of Population, edited by D. L. Poston. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

8. 人口と開発

このトピックは社会人口学というよりは経済人口学や開発学のトピックだと思う。論文中に"demographic dividend"とか出てきたらだいたいそれ系。かなり苦手意識のあるテーマだが、所属大学が開発経済学/開発社会学に強いためにこういう研究も一応読まされるのかもしれない。かなりざっくりいうと他のセクションの研究は人口学的変数(e.g., 出生、死亡、移住)を従属変数としているが、このセクションの一連の研究はマクロな人口学的な変数(特に人口増加と年齢構造)を独立変数としていると考えるとわかりやすいだろう。マルサスの『人口論』や国際移民セクションのCard(1990)のマイアミのボート難民や、Card (2001)のシフトシェアIVによる移民の労働市場への影響の研究もこのセクションにいれてもいいかもしれない。

Bloom, David and David Canning. 2008. “Global Demographic Change: Dimensions and Economic Significance.” Population and Development Review34:17–51.
Bloom, David E. and Jeffrey G. Williamson. 1998. “Demographic Transitions and Economic Miracles in Emerging Asia.” The World Bank Economic Review12(3):419–55.
Coale, Ansley J. 1978. “Population Growth and Economic Development: The Case of Mexico.” Foreign Affairs56(2):415.
Crespo Cuaresma, Jesús, Wolfgang Lutz, and Warren Sanderson. 2014. “Is the Demographic Dividend an Education Dividend?” Demography51(1):299–315.
Lee, Ronald and Andrew Mason. 2010. “Fertility, Human Capital, and Economic Growth over the Demographic Transition.” European Journal of Population26(2):159–82.
Mason, Andrew and Ronald Lee. 2006. “Reform and Support Systems for the Elderly in Developing Countries: Capturing the Second Demographic Dividend.” Genus62(2):11–35.

9. 人口学と方法論


Preston, S., Patrick Heuveline, and Michael Guillot. 2000. “Demography: Measuring and Modeling Population Processes. 2001.” Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers.
Rowland, Donald T. 2003. “Demographic Methods and Concepts.” OUP Catalogue.

Bhrolcháin, Máire Ní and Tim Dyson. 2007. “On Causation in Demography: Issues and Illustrations.” Population and Development Review33(1):1–36.
Duncan, Greg J. 2008. “When to Promote, and When to Avoid, a Population Perspective.” Demography45(4):763–84.
Engelhardt, Henriette, Hans-Peter Kohler, and Alexia Prskawetz, eds. 2009. Causal Analysis in Population Studies: Concepts, Methods, Applications. Dordrecht: Springer.
Moffitt, Robert. 2003. “Causal Analysis in Population Research: An Economist’s Perspective.” Population and Development Review29(3):448–58.
Moffitt, Robert. 2005. “Remarks on the Analysis of Causal Relationships in Population Research.” Demography42(1):91–108.
Smith, Herbert L. 2003. “Some Thoughts on Causation as It Relates to Demography and Population Studies.” Population and Development Review29(3):459–69.
Winship, Christopher and Stephen L. Morgan. 1999. “The Estimation of Causal Effects from Observational Data.” Annual Review of Sociology25(1):659–706.


因果推論は経済学から入ってきたメソッドと言えるだろうが、APCモデル的な考え方は人口学に特有な気がするので、特別に取り上げておく。特にコホートの考え方を洗練させたこと(Ryder 1965)と、その歴史(Elder and George 2016)は重要な気がする。APCはいくつか方法が提唱されているが、自分も細かいことはわかっていない。APCモデルによる分析のイメージを掴みたい方はYang (2008)の幸福感に関するASR論文が一番良いと思う。このテーマでの最近の白熱バトルをみたい方はYang et al. (2008)とLuo (2013)とそれについたたくさんのコメントを読むと面白いと思う。APCモデルはいわゆる統計的因果推論とは縁がなさそうだと思っていたのだが、Winship and Harding (2008)は因果推論セクションのEngelhardt et al.の本にSmithが寄稿した論文(Smith 2009)で取り上げられている。Decompositionも人口学に特有なメソッド(&考え方)だと思うが、勉強不足で対応できていない。

Elder, Glen H. and Linda K. George. 2016. “Age, Cohorts, and the Life Course.” Pp. 59–85 in Handbook of the Life Course, edited by M. J. Shanahan, J. T. Mortimer, and M. Kirkpatrick Johnson. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Luo, Liying. 2013. “Assessing Validity and Application Scope of the Intrinsic Estimator Approach to the Age-Period-Cohort Problem.” Demography 50(6):1945–67.
Ryder, Norman B. 1965. “The Cohort as a Concept in the Study of Social Change.” American Sociological Review 30(6):843–61.
Yang, Yang. 2008. “Social Inequalities in Happiness in the United States, 1972 to 2004: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis.” American Sociological Review 73(2):204–26.
Yang, Yang and Kenneth C. Land. 2008. “Age–Period–Cohort Analysis of Repeated Cross-Section Surveys: Fixed or Random Effects?” Sociological Methods & Research 36(3):297–326.
Yang, Yang, Sam Schulhofer‐Wohl, Wenjiang J. Fu, and Kenneth C. Land. 2008. “The Intrinsic Estimator for Age‐Period‐Cohort Analysis: What It Is and How to Use It.” American Journal of Sociology 113(6):1697–1736.
Winship, Christopher and David J. Harding. 2008. “A Mechanism-Based Approach to the Identification of Age–Period–Cohort Models.” Sociological Methods & Research36(3):362–401.


必読というほどではないのでこのリストには入れていないが、質的調査を用いた人口学研究は結構たくさんあり、かなり興味深い研究をたくさんうんでいると思う。基本的には社会/文化人類学と人口学の接点となり、人類学者が活躍しているが、この分野で質的な調査を行う社会学者もいる(例えばミシガンのMargaret Fryeの研究はどれもとても面白いと思う)。Anthropological Demography(人類人口学?人口人類学?)という分野も存在し、Kertzer (2019)が詳しい(今学期はKertzer教授のAnthropological Demographyのセミナーを受けていた)。ちなみにこのリスト全体に複数回登場するJohn Caldwellも人類学者である。さらに人類学者と社会人口学者がタグを組んだ一番の有名なプロジェクトしてMexican Migration Project(MMP)があげられると思う。このプロジェクトについてはMassey (1987)とMassey and Zentaro (2000)と共に、国際移民セクションのMasseyやGarlipの論文も読んで欲しい。

Cesare, Nina, Hedwig Lee, Tyler McCormick, Emma Spiro, and Emilio Zagheni. 2018. “Promises and Pitfalls of Using Digital Traces for Demographic Research.” Demography55(5):1979–99.
Coast, Ernestina. 2003. “An Evaluation of Demographers’ Use of Ethnographies.” Population Studies57(3):337–46.
Couper, Mick P. 2017. “New Developments in Survey Data Collection.” Annual Review of Sociology43(1):121–45.
Heckathorn, Douglas D. and Christopher J. Cameron. 2017. “Network Sampling: From Snowball and Multiplicity to Respondent-Driven Sampling.” Annual Review of Sociology43(1):101–19.
Kertzer, David I. 2019. “23 Anthropological Demography.” Pp. 619–41 in Handbook of Population, edited by D. L. Poston. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Massey, Douglas S. 1987. “The Ethnosurvey in Theory and Practice.” International Migration Review 21(4):1498–1522.
Massey, Douglas S. and René Zenteno. 2000. “A Validation of the Ethnosurvey: The Case of Mexico-U.S. Migration.” International Migration Review34(3):766–93.
Randall, Sara, Ernestina Coast, Natacha Compaore, and Philippe Antoine. 2013. “The Power of the Interviewer: A Qualitative Perspective on African Survey Data Collection.” Demographic Research28:763–92.
Randall, Sara and Todd Koppenhaver. 2004. “Qualitative Data in Demography: The Sound of Silence and Other Problems.” Demographic Research11:57–94.

Coleman, David. 2012. “The Twilight of the Census.” Population and Development Review38:334–51. 
Hirschman, Charles, Richard Alba, and Reynolds Farley. 2000. “The Meaning and Measurement of Race in the U.S. Census: Glimpses into the Future.” Demography37(3):381.
Kukutai, Tahu, Victor Thompson, and Rachael McMillan. 2015. “Whither the Census? Continuity and Change in Census Methodologies Worldwide, 1985–2014.” Journal of Population Research32(1):3–22.
Ruggles, Steven and Susan Brower. 2003. “Measurement of Household and Family Composition in the United States, 1850–2000.” Population and Development Review 29(1):73–101.
Snipp, C. Matthew. 2003. “Racial Measurement in the American Census: Past Practices and Implications for the Future.” Annual Review of Sociology 29(1):563–88.

10.  批判的人口学

プレリム試験の準備のために先生に個別指導をしていただいたのだが、その際、「人口学自体を批判的に捉える論文も読みたい」とリクエストしたところ、先生に「そういう研究も大事だが、それは『社会人口学』ではなくて、『知識社会学』なので試験範囲ではない」と言われてしまった。ただ、その後に丁寧にメールで参照すべき文献を複数教えてくださった。Hirschman (2004)は僕のセレクションで、Raceというカテゴリーを社会人口学で使うべきではない(全てethnicityで代替するべき)というアメリカの社会人口学者としてはかなり珍しい主張をしている。本人は有名な国際移民の大御所。なおGreenhalgh(1996)によるとConcered Demographers という人口学を批判的に捉えるジャーナルが院生を中心にウィスコンシン大で作られていた時代があるらしい(Duncan等の当時の年配人口学者に批判されて後に廃刊)のだが、この初代エディターは若き日のHirschmanとのことだった。

Greenhalgh, Susan. 1996. “The Social Construction of Population Science: An Intellectual, Institutional, and Political History of Twentieth-Century Demography.” Comparative Studies in Society and History38(1):26–66.
Greenhalgh, Susan. 1997. “Methods and Meanings: Reflections on Disciplinary Difference.” Population and Development Review23(4):819.
Hirschman, Charles. 2004. “The Origins and Demise of the Concept of Race.” Population and Development Review30(3):385–415.
Hodgson, Dennis. 1991. “The Ideological Origins of the Population Association of America.” Population and Development Review17(1):1.
Szreter, Simon. 1993. “The Idea of Demographic Transition and the Study of Fertility Change: A Critical Intellectual History.” Population and Development Review19(4):659.

11. 文献リスト



(注1)  なお、リストの作成に当たってはブラウンの試験のための必読リスト、これまでの社会人口学系のコースのシラバスや個別指導の際に渡された文献リスト、UCIrvineのリスト、私が2年間こちらで研究・勉強する中で見つけた重要文献を参考にしている。試験に対応するために私の関心がある分野の論文たくさん入れたり、関心のない分野を少なくしたりしているので、バランスの良いリストを見たい方は多分UCアーバインのリストをみるのがいいと思う(ブラウンのは非公開)し、他の大学も同じようなリストをあげているところが多い。

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